
All students in Midlothian School District 143 are entitled to a FREE Grab and Go Breakfast and a FREE Lunch thanks to a Federal Program.

School District 143 meets all federal nutrition standards for school meals. Our goal is to ensure students are provided healthy and well-balanced meals in an effort to assist students in succeeding at school.

School meals offer students milk, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains. School meals must meet strict limits on calories, saturated fat and trans fat. Meals are required to meet guidelines that follow the National School Meal Program.

Nutritional Information Online

Along with our partner in nutrition, Preferred Meals, we are always working to make improvements to the school meal program. We are pleased to announce that now families can access their child's menu and nutritional information online. A special feature allows parents to see the nutritional content of the menu items by simply positioning the cursor over the item. Families may also print monthly menus and nutritional information directly from the website. And for today's on-the-go families, the mobile version is easily accessible from your smart phone.

National School Meal Program Guidelines

• Age-appropriate calorie limits

• Daily servings of vegetables and fruits (students must choose at least one serving (lunch)

• A wide variety of vegetables, including dark green and red/orange vegetables and legumes (lunch)

• Fat-free or 1% milk (flavored milk must be fat-free)

• At least 8O% of grains come from whole grain sources

• Zero grams of Trans fat

• Reduced sodium