
Bus Schedules

Will be available for Kolmar students only. (Kolmar 7th- and 8th-grade students who live south of 147th Street and north of the Midlothian Turnpike and live less than 1-1/2 miles from school, may purchase a bus pass, if seats are available, at $100 per year.

Gym Uniforms

Grades 7-8: Parents will purchase a gym uniform (blue shorts and gray shirt) at a cost of $15.00 per student.

Specific Grade Level Information

Prekindergarten Students: If your child is accepted in the Prekindergarten Program, you will be notified.

Kindergarten: A child must be five years old on or before September 1, of the current school year, to be eligible for enrollment in kindergarten. Medical, vision and dental forms, registration folder, and an official birth certificate must be submitted at registration.

Sixth-grade Students: Updated medical/dental examination form must be submitted at registration.

New to District: Transfer students must present a transfer issued by the sending school. Medical/Vision/Dental and an official birth certificate must be submitted at registration.

Kindergarten, second, and sixth grade students: By May 15 of the current school year, proof of a dental examination by a licensed dentist is required.

Medical Information

Proof of Immunization

Only for those parents who have received notices concerning proof of immunizations. Such proof must be received in order for your child to start school. This is required by law.


If your child is taking medication which must be administered at school, please complete the appropriate form and return it to your principal.