Midlothian School District 143 Board of Education

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that regular meetings of the Board of Education of School District #143, Cook County, Illinois will be held on the second Wednesday of each month. All meetings will be held in the Professional Development Room at Kolmar School, 4500 W. 143rd Street, Crestwood, Illinois and begin at 6:00PM unless otherwise posted. The PD Room is on the North side of the building and door 302 is the closest entrance.

Contact the Midlothian School District 143 Board of Education at schoolboard@msd143.biz

Officers & Members


Sharlene Innocenti, President Joanne W. Keilman, Vice President Roxanne R. Huegel, Secretary


Alison Dolbeer Cheryl A. Grant James LaRocco Laura E. Gunaka